By DarthVader
Date: 2021-11-06
Topic: 75 see comments
Post views: 1173
ALLOY = A metal mixed with another metal or other substances to increase it's range of properties E.G (Brass, Steel, Copper, Aluminum, Bronze)
ORE = Chemical compunds embedded in rocks from which metal can be extracted
STEEL = Alloy of iron and carbon with 2% carbon
COPPER = Metal extracted from ore such as Malachite
BRONZE = Alloy of copper and tin ( more durability )
WROUGHT IRON = Tempered, folded iron ( tough and strong )
CAST IRON = Iron produced in a blast furnace containing around 4% carbon, which has a lower melting point than pure iron and can be melted down into a liquid to produce cast iron products using moulds.
ALUMINIUM = Modern metal which requires large amounts of electricity to extract from its ore. Is light, strong, easily formed and machined, has lower melting point than other common metals, doesn't corrode easily
Synthetic or organic materials who's chemical structure is composed of long chains which when arranged in different orders create a wide range of different properties E.G (HDPE, Rubber, Kevlar, Cellulose) Polymer comes fro greek and means 'many pieces'. Polymers are long chains of carbon atoms from several hundred to a few thousand atoms long, with many other types of atoms hanging off the sides.
Wide range of materials that are typically strong, hard, brittle and resistant to chemicals E.G (Stone, Glass, Pottery, Bricks, Porcelain)
POTTERY = Earliest form of a processed material ( clay ) for engineering purposes
PORCELAIN = Advanced chinese pottery ( ceramic art )
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