Voltage divider
By DarthVader
Date: 2024-11-15
Topic: 211 see comments
Post views: 104
Voltage divider equation:
Vout = Vs × (R2) / (R1 + R2)
If there are multiple resistors such as in a voltage divider network, then all the resistors above and below the node of interest must be accounted for:
Vout = Vs × (Rbelow) / (Rabove + Rbelow)
Rbelow = The combined resistance of all the resistors below the node.
Rabove = The combined resistance of all the resistors above the node.
R1 = (R2Vs − R2Vout) / (Vout)
For multiple resistors in the network below the node use:
R1 = (RbelowVs − RbelowVout) / (Vout)
Voltage dividers are used to:
- Reduce the amplitude of a signal or voltage.
- Create a reference voltage.
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