Casting Solidification Rates
By DarthVader
Date: 2022-08-03
Topic: 155 see comments
Post views: 1105
Casting Solidification Rates
The following equations are used to calculate the rate of solidification of a material during casting. By taking the derivative of the resul of one of these calculations it is possible to calculate the rate of solidification of the material at any point in time ‘t’.
Solidification rate for castings limited by mould interface resistance.
S = [ K(Tm − T0) / (Pshm) t ]
hm = latent heat of fusion (Lf = ΔQ / m)
ps = density of the solid
Tm = melting temperature of the solid
T0 = temperature of the mould
K = constant known as the heat transfer coefficient of the interface. The value of K depends on the nature of the interface ad any air gap that may form.
Solidification rate for castings in insulating moulds (e.g. sand casting)
S = (2 / π) ∗ [ K(Tm − T0) / (Pshm) ∗ √kMpMcM ∗ √t ]
kM, pM and cM are the thermal conductivity, density and secific heat capacity of the mould material (e.g. sand) respectively.
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