Current & Voltage In Complex Form
By DarthVader
Date: 2023-04-04
Topic: 193 see comments
Post views: 936
Current & Voltage In Complex Form
current I can be written as the imaginary part of complex current I:
I = Im I
= Im(I0ejwt)
= I0 sin wt
and voltage V can be written as the imaginary part of complex voltage V:
V = Im V
= Im(V0ej(wt+p))
= V0 sin(wt + p)
where I0 and V0 are the maximum values of the current and voltage.
w = angular frequency (rate of oscillation) of both current and voltage.
p = phase difference.
Recall the exponential form of complex numbers: reiθ
where; r = the modulus and; θ = the argument
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