Homologous temperature
By DarthVader
Date: 2022-07-02
Topic: 139 see comments
Post views: 1340
Homologous temperature
TH = T / Tm
(homologous temperature = temperature / melting temperature)
Homologous temperature is the temperature of a material expressed as a fraction of its melting temperature.
Hot working
During forming, if a metal is subject to hot working (TH above 0.6), it is deformed at a temperature where there is no ‘work hardening’ (process of material hardening due to imperfections created when bending etc.).
This is due to the resoftening effect caused by 'annealing' (process of atoms moving around more freely at a higher temperature, resetting the microstructure and any impurities created from working) carrying on continuously as the material is at a temperature above 0.6 TH.
This means higher strains can be imposed on the material during forming without the material breaking.
Cold working
Conversely, cold working does result in work hardening, so the material gets harder the more it is deformed. ‘cold working’ does not literally mean cold though. It is measured relative to the homologous temperature.
As a rough guide:
- Cold working = TH < 0.3
- Warm working = 0.3 < TH < 0.6
- Hot working = TH > 0.6
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