Sinusoidal Functions
By DarthVader
Date: 2022-06-17
Topic: 131 see comments
Post views: 1123
Sinusoidal Functions
Interactive Graph:§ion=1.1.1
The graph of the equation:
y = a sin(b (x - c)) + d
Where a and b are positive and c and d can take any values.
a = amplitude
b = period
c = horizontal displacement
d = vertical displacement
minimum value is d - a
maximum value is d + a
Amplitude = the distance between the center line and the minimum or maximum value.
Period = 360 / b.
Horizontal displacement = the amount that the graph of y = a sin(bx) + d is shifted to the right to obtain the graph of: y = a sin(b(x - c)) + d. (the shift is to the left if c is negative).
Vertical displacement = the amount that the center line is shifted up from the x-axis. (The shift is down if d is negative).
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