Computer Simulations
By DarthVader
Date: 2022-09-15
Topic: 161 see comments
Post views: 1048
Computer Simulations
Engineers can use mathematical models to predict the behavior of simple objects, gasses or fluids by using the known laws of physics and by using mathematics as a tool.
But by using computers which can solve millions of equations per second, more complex models can be created and real life scenarios can be simulated in order to experiment and observe the effects of certain conditions etc.
While a person may create a mathematical model for a simple object such as a ball, a complex computer simulation can combine many thousands of simple objects together in order to create a larger more complex shape such as an aeroplane or a body of water.
Computer simulations are never perfect though and usually require some simplification in order to feasibly run the simulation.
All computer simulations whether they are artistic animations from Pixar, or physics simulations in a lab, or a game engine running a virtual environment, they are all representations of mathematics and known physics.
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